Jayson Randall
Innovative Art and Sound



Public Art Installation, Size: 6'H x 12'W x 12'D
Materials: Fractured Mylar, Fractured Iridescent Cellophane, Wood, Metal, Chalkboards, Mirrors, Bells

Visible is a large-scale, interactive, public art installation by experimental artist Jayson Randall.

Visible is being presented at the 2025 Art Shanty Projects, which are located on frozen Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, MN.
Visible will be functional January 18 thru February 9, 2025 from 10am-4pm on Saturdays and Sundays only.

More Information

Visible explores the idea of being invisible in society and the difference between the two concepts of "belonging" and "fitting in". Many people belong but they do not feel like they fit in, other people can fit in at times, but they do not feel like they belong.

Visible encourages people to look at themselves in public and declare their existence as an individual human, present, right now, on planet Earth in the city of Minneapolis.

Visible reveals our hidden stories by anonymously sharing who we are, so that we can all move forward with a better understanding of each other and our community.

LOOK in the mirror
SHARE who you are
RING the bell
become VISIBLE

When in Visible, the invisible become visible.

The Visible Team is:
Jayson Randall, Leah Danielson, Devin Zaloski, Nick Witschen, Terry, Carlos Aguirre

Connections for Artist Jayson Randall