Jayson Randall
Innovative Art and Sound
Dream of Future Past


This experimental project is a collaboration between Jayson Randall and Heather Friedli for the 5th Annual Co-Lab Exhibition and Auction at the Show Gallery in St. Paul, MN, September 2019.

An Auspex is a prognosticator that interprets omens derived from the observation of birds.

Jayson Randall designed and built an interactive arcade style machine that allows a painting to be played and experienced as if it were a video game.

Housed in a full-size arcade game cabinet, a painted scroll can be unfurled to view different parts of the story by using the joystick on the front panel.

Jayson used actual eagle song recordings to enhance the interactive experience of Auspex.

Heather painted a 20' long fabric scroll that features bird patterns to depict the "Seven Fires Prophecy".

The scroll is painted with regular fabric dye as well as ultra-violet dye, which glows when illuminated by UV black-light.

As the scenes on the scroll pass through the viewing screen, manipulation of the multiple lighting buttons on the front panel, reveal hidden aspects of the story that cannot be seen with regular lighting.

Overall size: 72” H x 26” W x 36" D

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Things to do today:

 - Shopping
    - Milk
    - Eggs
    - Bread

 - Pick up Dry Cleaning
 - Bake Muffins
 - Get New Hairdo
 - Destroy Town

Overall size: 72" H x 36" W x 36" D

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I just dropped in....
Magic Box


Refilled is a conceptual work of art utilizing over 1000 individual pieces and is made entirely of reclaimed materials.

The sculpture consists of a satellite dish receiving a simulated electronic transmission beam, which glows from a multicolored, interactive light source.

The 72" long freestanding beam is composed of several hundred interlocking prescription pill bottles of varying size.

Each individual pill bottle contains a unique modern relic.

radiates light that reacts to sonic energy, ambient sounds alter the color of light that is displayed. Constructing the internal support structure from sheet metal and acrylic allows for experimental controlled-release illumination.

Refilled is mounted on a 36" x 36" base of stained black oak.

Overall size: 96" H x 36" W x 36" D

Refilled was commissioned by The Hennepin Theatre Trust for the Energy: Made Here Artist Showcase.

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Connections for Artist Jayson Randall

Talk to Me

Dream Machine

This experimental interactive sculpture depicts a dream of a time and place that is now gone.

A floating humanoid face gazes down and out over dozens of paper origami cranes that litter the ground.
In the distance, one solitary crane flies as the last of it's kind.

Three buttons on the front panel of the sculpture create unique interactions with the Dream Machine.

When one button is pressed, actual bird song recordings can be heard. The synergistic brain section, of the humanoid face, reacts to the bird sounds by changing the color of light that is displayed.

When another button is pressed a blue light is illuminated, which highlights and accentuates the fallen cranes on the ground and when the final button is pressed a static effect is created which simulates the end of the dream.

Overall size: 18" H x 16" W x 18" D

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Magic Box

Originally Magic Box was a 1940's ATR Manufacturing Co. Inc. Rectifier Power Supply Model 610C-ELIF.

This classic machine now features an amplified stereo MP3 player, dual 3.5" full dynamic range speakers and interactive LED lighting.
Magic box radiates light that reacts to music from the internal MP3 player, which alters the color of light that is displayed.

Constructing the internal support structure from sheet metal allows for experimental controlled-release illumination.

The original voltage control knob, on the front panel, is now used to adjust the MP3 volume.

Magic Box works with any type of smart phone or MP3 Player.

Overall size: 8" H x 6.5" W x 8" D

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Help is an experimental interactive electronic sculpture that explores the concepts of separation, isolation and identity as it relates to the global struggle with viral outbreaks like Covid-19.

The translucent humanoid head is illuminated by a synergistic brain, which reacts to sonic energy.
Ambient sounds alter the color of light that is displayed.

Help is isolated behind clear acrylic barriers and is fitted with a stainless steel face-mask.
The internal support structure is constructed from sheet metal, which allows for experimental controlled-release illumination.

Overall size: 14" H x 14" W x 14" D

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Originally, Cubed was a 1940's fuse regulator from the former Soviet Union. This unusual item now features an amplified stereo MP3 player, dual 3.5" full dynamic range speakers and interactive LED lighting.

Cubed radiates light that reacts to music from the internal MP3 player, which alters the color of light that is displayed.

Constructing the internal support structure from sheet metal allows for experimental controlled-release illumination. The original in-line fuse, on the front panel, is now used to adjust the MP3 volume.

Cubed works with any type of smart phone or MP3 Player.

Overall size: 5" H x 4" W x 6" D

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Permanent Ways
Containment Chamber

Talk to Me

This collaboration between Jayson Randall and Emily Dzieweczynski was created for CollabArts Vol.2 at the Praxis Gallery in Minneapolis, December 2019.

Talk to Me is an experimental artwork which explores empathy while altering the perception of time and place through the use of historic photographs combined with binaural sounds and unique lighting patterns.

The display features three 12x18 digitally enhanced photographs mounted in a custom-built illuminated frame.
Hidden aspects of the photos are revealed as the LED lights, inside the frame, change color.

The interactive experience is enhanced by the use of binaural sounds which allow an immersion into the forgotten life that once existed in the photos.

Historic photos used courtesy of Hennepin County Library.

Overall size: 23" H x 45" W x 2" D

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Containment Chamber

Containment Chamber is an experimental interactive sculpture that is intended to promote a sense of empathy.

This interactive piece consists of a large metallic cube with a viewing screen and three buttons on the front panel.

Inside the cube a covered and bound mass reacts to stimulation.
The mass struggles to move when it is stimulated by the green button.
The mass will make noises when stimulated by the yellow button and the mass is bathed in radiation when the red button is pressed.

Containment is a process of keeping something protected or within limits.

Overall size:
36" H x 16" W x 16" D

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I just dropped in, to get a new hairdo,

on my way to destroying your town

This conceptual interactive sculpture explores the indifference to violence in modern society by combining a Permanent Wave Machine with a surplus US military missile.

Inside of the missile a blue spotlight illuminates an iridescent humanoid face as it stares outward.

I just dropped in, to get a new hairdo, on my way to destroying your town, also features ambient lighting which is sound activated and changes color depending on the surrounding noise level.

Stopped in mid-air, a short distance from impact, this anthropomorphic missile has dropped in to a salon, to get
a new hairdo, before their final destination of destruction..


This conceptual work of art is a collaboration between Jayson Randall and Woody Stauffer

Fossilator consists of a cast iron fossil skull that was designed and poured by
Woody Stauffer.

Jayson Randall designed and installed a metallic interactive synergistic brain for the skull as well as the custom built display stand.
Fossilator radiates light that reacts to sonic energy, ambient sounds alter the color of light that is displayed.

Constructing the internal support structure from sheet metal allows for experimental controlled-release illumination.

Overall size: 10" H x 10" W x 13" D (including display stand)

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Interactive Sculptures


Triangulatti is a conceptual work of art that uses simple geometric shapes to create an interactive electronic sculpture with the illusion of instability.

The two 10' tall freestanding towers each contain 18 individual hollow triangular cubes that are designed to be self-supporting and are arranged to display interactive patterns of light which react to sonic energy.

Ambient sounds alter the color of light that Triangulatti displays.

Overall size: 120" H x 6" W x 6" D

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Permanent Ways

Permanent Ways was originally a 1950's Martin Color XL, professional salon, stand-up hair dryer.
This vintage chrome sentinel has been reconfigured to be a conceptual, floor standing, spot-light.

Permanent Ways features twin, lights, that can have their intensity adjusted by a rotary dimmer switch.

Each light is operated independently by it's own illuminated toggle switch.
All of the original switches were reused for the new functions of Permanent Ways.

Overall size: 72" H x 18" W x 18" D

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Guiser is a conceptual face-mask design.
The face-mask is fabricated from stainless steel and features free-flowing air intake openings on the front panel.

Guiser is internally illuminated with interactive LED lighting, which reacts to sonic energy.
As the wearer  speaks, their voice alters the color of light that Guiser displays.

Overall size: 4" H x 4" W x 2" D

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